Worship on Sundays at 10:30AM
Come and be a part of "Meaningful Worship," where the Meaning of Worship comes from God through His Word and His Sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.
And YOU make worship meaningful when YOU are here.
And YOU make worship meaningful when YOU are here.
We are a Participating People:
Come and participate in our time together here at Faith. We sing, pray, and praise. We receive the forgiveness of our sins from God His service through the proclamation of His Word and the administration of the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism. Join us, won't you? See you at 10:30am this Sunday. |

We are a Participating People in the Lord's Table every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays.
In order to receive the full blessing of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we believe the following:
In order to receive the full blessing of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we believe the following:
- We believe in God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons and one being. God is eternal.
- We believe that God the Father, sent the Son, to become both fully God and fully human. His name is Jesus.
- We believe that we are sinful, through and through. We need forgiveness of our sins
- We believe that we receive the body of Jesus in and with the bread and receive the blood of Jesus, in and with the wine. Through that reception, we receive the forgiveness of all of our sins.
- We believe that we receive the body and blood of Jesus we have a new life that lives with Jesus.

We are a Participating People in Holy Baptism.
Holy Baptism is one part of a two part command that Jesus gave to us in order to "Make Disciples of all nations..."
We believe that we receive forgiveness of sins when we are baptized "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) We are born again through the "water and the Word." (John 3:3-6) In Holy Baptism we are saved by "the washing and renewal of the Holy Spirit..." (Titus 3:3-7)
Holy Baptism is one part of a two part command that Jesus gave to us in order to "Make Disciples of all nations..."
We believe that we receive forgiveness of sins when we are baptized "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) We are born again through the "water and the Word." (John 3:3-6) In Holy Baptism we are saved by "the washing and renewal of the Holy Spirit..." (Titus 3:3-7)
Our Liturgy:
We use an "order of service" called a Liturgy. This order of service helps you to receive the grace of God, praise His name, and share with Him our prayers and petitions. The order of services that we use are in "The Lutheran Service Book" as well as being projected upon the screens at the front of the Sanctuary.
If you want to know more about our liturgies, come and join us this coming Sunday and you can talk with Pastor Robert.
We use an "order of service" called a Liturgy. This order of service helps you to receive the grace of God, praise His name, and share with Him our prayers and petitions. The order of services that we use are in "The Lutheran Service Book" as well as being projected upon the screens at the front of the Sanctuary.
If you want to know more about our liturgies, come and join us this coming Sunday and you can talk with Pastor Robert.

Our Bible Readings:
You can follow along with the reading of the Bible passages during our service.
We have Bibles in the racks that are attached to the pew in front of you. Please use it and bookmark it. The page numbers for each passage is to your left.
You can also bring your own Bible with you, electronic or paper. also. In this way, you can make notes in your own Bible while Pastor Robert is preaching.
We are a Word based people. We hear from God through His inspired and inerrant Word.
You can follow along with the reading of the Bible passages during our service.
We have Bibles in the racks that are attached to the pew in front of you. Please use it and bookmark it. The page numbers for each passage is to your left.
You can also bring your own Bible with you, electronic or paper. also. In this way, you can make notes in your own Bible while Pastor Robert is preaching.
We are a Word based people. We hear from God through His inspired and inerrant Word.

Please join us THIS SUNDAY to hear Pastor Robert's sermon.
Opportunities to Serve During our Worship Service:
There are many opportunities for you to participate in the service of God on Sunday mornings. They are, and not limited to:
- Ushers: Assisting in the collection of the Tithes and Offerings of God's people, leading God's people to receive the Lord's Supper.
- Worship Aides: Assisting in making sure the pews are clean and the Hymnal racks, where the hymnals and the Pew Bibles are placed, are straight, and making sure the Friendship Folders are ready for people to use.
- Lectors: God's people who read the First and Second lesson, generally a reading from the Old and New Testament.
- Acolytes: God's people who are going through Catechesis, learning the basics of their Christian faith, who are in the 5th to 8th grades.
- Choir: God's people who want to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" during the service of God with anthems and assisting the singing of the congregation.
- Musicians: God's people who want to play their instrument to support and enhance the worship of God's people.
- Sound Booth Operators: God's people who make sure the liturgy on the screens flow smoothly, that the cameras that show the liturgy especially for those who are livestreaming the service, and the livestreaming of the service of God is shown.
What's Happening This Week in Worship:
Come and receive God's Service in our Meaningful Worship; built around God. If you have any questions about our time together,
to reach out to Pastor Robert.
to reach out to Pastor Robert.